When I talk to folks about food, and how my family and I eat paleo, they usually have a lot of questions. Some of the most common questions I get are:

- So then what DO you eat?
- How do you do breakfast?
- What does your daughter eat?

Hopefully those and other questions will be answered by this blog. I am far from an expert and we don't eat "strict" paleo all the time but, hopefully this blog will help folks realize that the paleo diet IS something that they can do all while shopping at normal food stores and preparing food with a normal, BUSY, schedule. There are plenty of online sources for paleo recipes, this will be different. I will document our day to day meals and snacks, grocery shopping, and eating on the go. I hope you find it inspiring and informative. Please feel free to comment.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

02/06/14 Lunch

- Tuna: 1 can all white albacore tuna drained, forkful of sweet relish, spoonful of mayo, and a drizzle of olive oil.
- 1 organic fuji apple cut up.

- Leftover ground turkey dinner from the other night.
- 1 organic fuji apple cut up.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

02/06/14 Breakfast

Gianna and I shared a banana with almond butter.

I also made a scramble with 8 eggs using only 3 yolks. First I diced up some onion and broccoli and threw them in the pan with some coconut oil. Then I cracked the eggs and used the immersion blender to whip them up. Then I diced up the ham steak and threw that in with the veggies. Next I poured in the egg mix and cooked as usual.

This made enough for Gina to take some to work for breakfast, Gianna and I to eat some for breakfast, and I took some to work with me.

I also made a smoothie using a handful of greens, about a 1/4 cup of dried goji berries, a handful of frozen pineapple chunks, a handful of frozen berries, and a drizzle of olive oil. Then I used a mixture of 1/2 coconut water and 1/2 tap water to fill up to the top of the ingredients. Have I mentioned, I love our vitamix? Gianna had some with her breakfast and Gina and I each took a bottle to work.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

02/04/14 Breakfast

Today, we had an egg scramble using 7 eggs with only 2 yolks, 1/2 lb of bacon, 1 handful of broccoli diced, 1 red pepper diced, and a little goat cheese. I used coconut oil to cook the veggies in one pan while the bacon cooked in another. Drain the bacon (save the oil), chop it up and add it to the veggies. Use the immersion blender to whip up the eggs then pour them onto the veggie / bacon mix. Then crumble a little goat cheese all over. Fold the whole mess onto itself until it's all cooked. Delicious. This made enough for Gianna and I and, there was enough to put away some in the fridge for later.

Remember, it's important to not overcook the veggies. Just a few minutes at medium heat is all it takes.

I also made a smoothie. I started with a handful of these greens:
Then, I added a handful of frozen pineapple chunks, a handful of frozen berries, a drizzle of olive oil, some coconut water, and some regular water. Easy.

02/03/14 Lunch

The other day, Gina cut a few chicken breasts into 1 inch cubes and cooked them in a skillet with coconut oil and seasoned them with some lemon pepper. After they cooked and cooled, she put them in a tupperware in the fridge... These kinds of things are great to keep on hand. Easy, ready to go, protein. Today, I threw some of those into a bowl with a couple diced tomatoes and an avocado. Drizzled some salad dressing and eat with a spoon. Super fast and easy. Chicken breast for protein, avocado and olive oil for fat, tomato for vitamins and taste. Easy.

For Gianna's lunch, I sent her to school with some of the same chicken chunks and avocado chunks on toothpicks. Easy bites of protein and fat that my 5 year old actually likes and finishes!

02/03/14 Breakfast

Plain old eggs and bacon. We were running a little late so I warmed up some coconut oil and scrambled up 6 eggs with only 2 yolks and a half a package of bacon.

Monday, February 3, 2014

02/01/14 SHOPPING!

Currently, we do most of our shopping at Costco. I'm not a big fan of supporting large corporations and I'm not certain but believe that the quality of foods we get from Costco is not as good as we could do shopping from other sources. We are moving towards a healthier, more organic, locally sourced food supply but, for now, this is how we do it. Our total for the week is always under $150 and lately, by planning meals and shopping only for the weekly food needs, we've been getting our bill down closer to $100. At $114, this week is actually higher than the last few.

Here is the list of what we bought for the week:

I buy these when they are on sale. These will mostly be used in salads and in Gianna's school lunches / snacks.

These were also on sale. These will be mostly for snacks.

Roma Tomatoes:
These will be used in salads, eaten whole, and in diced up in "goulashes".

Goat Cheese log:
This is not technically Paleo. So, we use this sparingly in salads, goulashes, egg scrambles, etc. These two logs will last us a couple months.

We use these in LOTS of things. Avocados are like butter in our house. They make lots of things yummier and are a great way to add fat to a meal. Remember, FAT IS YOUR FRIEND. We will put these on salads, egg scrambles, goulashes, etc. I will also use these and some protein to fix a lunch for Gianna to take to school. For example, I will cut chunks of turkey breast and avocado, skewer them with a toothpick and put them in a tupperware. Easy to eat, healthy, and fun.

Ground Turkey:
We keep this in stock in the freezer. We will take some out mostly for goulashes. For example, we will brown some up, add some diced tomatoes, seasoning, some veggies, and that's it. Quick and easy dinner with food that's always on hand.

Clementine Oranges:
These are for snacks mostly. They are great to have in my pocket at work for a quick bite when I can't sit down and eat. Remember, we should NOT be drinking juice, it is much better to eat the fruit instead.

These go in salads and a handful makes a great snack. These are also used in our Brussel Sprout Recipe. Walnuts are a great way to get some more fat in our diet and are a good source of Omega 6 fatty acids.

Ham Steak:
This gets diced up and put into egg scrambles, goulashes, and, sometimes, into salads.

Frozen Pineapple Chunks:
These get put into smoothies (not too much) to sweeten them up. I also recently heard of making a kind of curry using pineapple chunks and coconut milk for stewing chicken. Gonna have to do some experimenting with that.

Organic Frozen Berries:
These go into smoothies.

We eat a bunch of this. It gets chopped up and put into scrambles and goulashes, we eat it steamed, I will add it to salads, etc etc. Buying it in this pre-chopped, pre-washed bag makes it super easy to just grab a handful and use it.

Power Greens:
We used to bounce back and forth between buying spinach and kale separately. This makes it easier AND, it's certified organic and pre-washed. Really easy to grab a handful of this to start a smoothie or salad. We will also add it to egg scrambles and goulashes.

Organic Fuji Apples:
These are eaten as a snack or diced up in our "cereal". If we eat them as a snack we will often times dip them in almond butter.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

01/30/14 LUNCH

We were out on the road today and stopped at Chipotle. As far as fast food goes, Chipotle is one of the best IMO as far as being healthy and responsible. Not perfect but better than most. We brought our own avocado to help save us a little cash.

Gianna had a carnitas quesadilla with a little sour creme.

Gina had a carnitas burrito bowl with no rice, no beans, and no dairy. She added the fajita peppers and lettuce. She added our own avocado.

I also had a burrito bowl. I chose the grilled chicken and also asked for no beans, rice, or dairy but added the fajita peppers, lettuce, and our avocado.

CAVEAT: The tortilla and sour creme on Gianna's quesadilla.

01/30/14 LUNCH / DINNER

I made something similar to last night...

I browned 1 lb of grass fed ground beef. In another pan, I cooked broccoli and bell pepper. And in another pan I cooked 1/2 lb of bacon. Then I drained the meats, chopped the bacon, and mixed everything together. I saved the grease from the meat because I want to try to make some glycerin soap later. I put the food in a glass casserole dish (instead of plastic), covered it with foil, and put it in the fridge.

We may or may not eat this for our dinner tonight. Whether we do or don't, it will be available for us if we need to grab something quick.

01/30/14 BREAKFAST

Gina left before I could fix her anything.

Gianna ate 2 eggs (only one yolk). She is taking the leftover beef goulash from last night's dinner for her snack today.

I cleaned out the fridge. I killed some sweet potato fries from a few nights ago and the rest of the brussel sprouts that I made at breakfast time yesterday.

01/29/14 DINNER

I made a goulash using 1 pound of grass fed ground beef browned in it's own skillet. Seasoned with some worcestershire sauce, oregano,and lemon pepper. While that was browning, I chopped up some broccoli and red pepper and put them in a large skillet with some coconut oil. When the beef was cooked, I drained it and added it to the veggies. Then I crumbled some goat cheese over the whole thing and mixed it all in.

CAVEAT: The goat cheese. I used a very small amount but it's still not strict.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

01/29/14 LUNCH

Me and Gianna split a banana and some grapes.
Then I made some tuna salad.

2 cans of tuna:

A little mayo, a little relish

A little olive oil

Mix it all up in a bowl. Spooned some in a bowl for Gianna, added half an avocado, and a few stalks of broccoli from dinner the other night then mixed it all up again.

As for me, I had a salad. Started with a handful of leafy greens, added the rest of the tuna salad, and one red pepper:

One and a half avocados and some homemade salad dressing. I make my salad dressing from the olive oil and vinegar shown above. Super simple and tasty. 2 parts olive oil, one part vinegar.

Canned tuna isn't the best way to eat fish so, we don't do it too often. We don't eat more than a couple cans of tuna per month. The mayo has soybean oil it it. Soy is bad. Again, we only eat mayo once in a great while. I need to FINALLY make some homemade mayo.

01/29/14 BREAKFAST

I woke up late and wasn't able to make breakfast for Gina. She will get food at the cafeteria at work. They actually have a lot of good choices there including a well stocked and diverse salad bar which actually includes several proteins and fats.

For Gianna, I made 1 full egg and 2 whites and 3 pieces of low sodium bacon.

For myself, I made 5 eggs with only 1 yolk.

I put the rest of the package of bacon in a skillet and got it started to make another batch of brussel sprouts. I ate some for breakfast, took some to a friend at Gianna's school, and put some away in the fridge.

Sent Gianna to school with a banana for her snack.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

01/28/14 DINNER

We cheated tonight for dinner. There was a lot going on today and I didn't have time to cook. Also, we had to go to a curriculum meeting at my daughter's school right after we ate. So, we had fish sticks and steamed broccoli and I killed the last of the lemon pepper chicken from last night. These are the fish sticks that we ate:

These taste pretty good. Better than most frozen fish fillets and, they are wild caught which is important. Unfortunately, the batter contains some things that aren't on the diet... Corn starch, soybean oil, wheat flour, corn flower, etc, etc. While those ingredients make up a small percentage of the whole fillet, they are still there which makes this a cheat.

01/28/14 LUNCH

I made my wife a quick salad to take to work for lunch. A handful of this:

Some red pepper left over from the breakfast eggs:

Some chopped up turkey breast and one avocado:

So, that took care of my wife's lunch. My daughter had leftover breakfast eggs and a banana. I ate leftover breakfast eggs and leftover lemon pepper chicken from last night's dinner. My daughter and I also snacked on cashews and grapes today.

01/28/14 BREAKFAST


I diced 1 fuji apple:

 Added a little from each of these:

Mix it up and eat with a spoon.

Put some in tupperware for my wife to take to work and gave some in a bowl to my 5yo daughter. I ate the rest.


Dice up one and a half red peppers, and a couple handfulls of broccoli.

Throw them in a skillet with some coconut oil on medium heat and cover it. While that is cooking, crack 7 eggs getting rid of 5 of the yolks into a tall mixing cup and use the immersion blender to whip them until they "grow". Throw in some chopped turkey breast. Then, pour the egg mixture slowly all over the veggie/turkey breast mixture. Cover it all again, and let it cook for a few minutes. Then use a spatula to flip the whole mixture so both sides gets cooked. Top with avocado.

I ate a large bowl of this, my 5YO daughter had a good sized bowl, I packed some for her to take to school for lunch, and I was able to put some away in the fridge for later.

Bacon, Cranberry, Brussel Sprouts

I made this the other day. We've been perfecting the recipe slowly over time... I cook the bacon 'til it's a little on the crunchy/dry side (it will soak up some moisture from the other ingredients later) then take it off and put it on a paper towel to drain. Then I roughly chop the sprouts, put them in a pan with some coconut oil and a little chicken broth. Cover them and let them cook/steam for a while. While they are cooking, I chop up the bacon and the turkey breast then throw them in there. Then crumble up the walnuts and add them along with the cranberries. Turn off the heat and let everything steam a little. Done... so, so good... I don't measure anything, just do it by sight. Next time, I'd like to try a little bit of spicy mustard. I think it would compliment the flavor of the sprouts nicely.

Monday, January 27, 2014

01/27/14 Lemon Pepper Chicken Dinner and smoothies

Tonight Gina made lemon pepper chicken pan fried in coconut oil. Super easy and they were grubbin'! Normally, we would steam some broccoli to go with this dinner but we had a lot going on but, I made a smoothie for us to drink.

Lemon Pepper Chicken
- Heat some coconut oil in a pan on medium heat
- Put in a few thawed thighs
- Sprinkle the lemon pepper
- Flip after 5-10 minutes
- Sprinkle with lemon pepper
- Make sure they are cooked all the way through

- Couple tablespoons of dried Goji berries
- Handful of leafy greens
- Handful of frozen berries
- Handful of frozen pineapple chunks
- Pour in coconut water until half of the ingredients are covered
- Pour in cold water until reaches top of ingredients

This amount of water in the smoothie makes it easier to drink as a beverage instead of being a thick smoothie.