When I talk to folks about food, and how my family and I eat paleo, they usually have a lot of questions. Some of the most common questions I get are:

- So then what DO you eat?
- How do you do breakfast?
- What does your daughter eat?

Hopefully those and other questions will be answered by this blog. I am far from an expert and we don't eat "strict" paleo all the time but, hopefully this blog will help folks realize that the paleo diet IS something that they can do all while shopping at normal food stores and preparing food with a normal, BUSY, schedule. There are plenty of online sources for paleo recipes, this will be different. I will document our day to day meals and snacks, grocery shopping, and eating on the go. I hope you find it inspiring and informative. Please feel free to comment.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

01/30/14 LUNCH / DINNER

I made something similar to last night...

I browned 1 lb of grass fed ground beef. In another pan, I cooked broccoli and bell pepper. And in another pan I cooked 1/2 lb of bacon. Then I drained the meats, chopped the bacon, and mixed everything together. I saved the grease from the meat because I want to try to make some glycerin soap later. I put the food in a glass casserole dish (instead of plastic), covered it with foil, and put it in the fridge.

We may or may not eat this for our dinner tonight. Whether we do or don't, it will be available for us if we need to grab something quick.

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